Activating the true performance capability in leaders, teams and safety.

We are proud to have worked with companies and organisations around the world, across a range of industries. Their success is our success, and delivering real, tangible results is our passion.

We have compiled a range of Case Studies to highlight how we have worked with industry leading companies to activate their true performance culture.

Empowering leaders with the mindsets and skillsets to thrive in a volatile business environment

Empowering leaders with the mindsets and skillsets to thrive in a volatile business environment

January 11, 2018

Global award winning safety program targets individual beliefs to create a sustainable safety culture

Global award winning safety program targets individual beliefs to create a sustainable safety culture


Organisational ownership of safety generates a safety performance culture

Organisational ownership of safety generates a safety performance culture


Engaging hearts and minds to create sustainable shifts in safety behaviours

Engaging hearts and minds to create sustainable shifts in safety behaviours


Activating high performing leaders in rapidly growing global business

Activating high performing leaders in rapidly growing global business


Activating the powerful performance possible within cultures, teams and individuals

Activating the powerful performance possible within cultures, teams and individuals


Global engineering organisation unites a commitment-based culture

Global engineering organisation unites a commitment-based culture


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