Actrua is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
This Policy (together with other documents referred to herein) describes what personal information we collect from you and how we process and protect your personal information. This policy also describes certain choices you have regarding use, access to and correction of your information.
What is personal information?
When used in this Privacy Policy, the term “personal information” has the meaning given to it in the Privacy Act. Personal information means information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information or opinion is true or not and whether or not it is recorded in material form. Personal information covers a broad range of information.
Why do we collect personal data?
Through the development and delivery of our programs, we will collect and store a variety of personal data on participants, sponsors and potential future customers. The collection of this data is a part of doing business; it allows us to remain in contact with our customers, as well as develop future business opportunities. We undertake to protect your data with appropriate security and sensitivity, respecting the privilege your sharing information with us. We commit to using the data gathered only for the original intended purpose.
We may use your personal information to send you direct marketing via e-mail when you opt-in for this purpose in the relevant contact form. You may opt-out of receiving future marketing communications at any time.
What data do we collect?
The data we collect is specific to the needs of each situation, and may include:
- Name
- Contact details (phone numbers, email)
- Organisation
- Position/job
- Physical and/or mailing addresses
- Incidental background information disclosed in social interactions
How do we collect the data?
Data is collected in a variety of ways including:
- Email or telephone correspondence
- Personal interactions
- Completion of online forms, such as a website query or a QR Check-In
How do we store, retrieve and maintain the data?
Data is stored in a variety of computer systems, including:
- Actrua’s Sharepoint servers. These are operated by Microsoft (or their sub contractor) and are accessible only by Actrua employees, or their appointed agents (eg: IT contractors who may also access the broader system, but not personal data.)
- Actrua’s OnePage CRM account. The Customer Relationship Management system is used to store, collate and retrieve personal and business data for the purposes of maintaining business relationships and growing business opportunities. Access to the CRM is password protected, and only core team members with a need to access the data have a profile to access the system.
- Survey Partners. As part of Actrua programs, surveys may be administered through an independent, external partner, including Human Synergistics, DISC (by Integro) and Feedback Works. The survey administration process will address privacy and personal information matters. By participating in the survey, you agree for your information to be handled by Survey Partner, in accordance with their policies.
Once collected, the data is used and maintained by Actrua Team Members on an as-needs basis.
Data Not Shared with Third Parties
Personal information will not be shared with third parties, for any reason without your prior approval. Unless it is required by police, regulators or authorities and we consider that we are legally obliged to do so.
The Right to be Forgotten
At Actrua we believe that you have the right to be forgotten. We respect individual rights to:
- Withhold personal data for any reason.
- Request that data is deleted at any time for any reason.
Queries or matters relating to this policy should be addressed to the General Manager, Actrua, Level 3, 243 Edward St, Brisbane, Qld 4001 or by contacting our office on 07 3221 4388.
Policy Owner & Maintainer: General Manager | Policy Authorisation: Managing Director | Date Approved: 17 May 2021